AASA's Quincy Asian Family Outreach Program serves families in Quincy with children under the age of 11. This program consists of a newborn visiting program, Children Chinese School, Children Summer School.

The Parents to Parents Newborn Home Visiting Program

For parents of Quincy Newborns (up to 6 months)

The program includes a friendly visit from a parent volunteer and/or family coordinator. As part of this visit, the volunteer and/or coordinator will present you and your baby with

A wonderful gift basket containing his/her first book, some baby necessities and a small gift for each sibling. Information about child care services available in Quincy

Additional home visits, if requested.

If you would like to schedule a home visit for yourself and your newborn in Chinese, please call Ms. Joyce Guan at (617)471-9354. Or if you prefer your home visit to be conducted in English, please call Marti at (617) 689-8352.



內容: 安排義工家長,或家庭服務人員到府上探訪,提供昆士市嬰兒服務的資料,及致送禮物。禮物包括嬰兒紀念冊,嬰兒用品等,另嬰兒的兄姐均獲贈小禮物。如有需要,可繼續探訪。


中文: 關小姐 (617)471-9354
英文: Marti (617)689-8532